Sunday, March 14, 2021

Questions & Answers - On Personal Security and Firearms



After attending a local firearms training center, one of the items discussed was revolvers and how they would not sell a revolver. Their reason is that revolvers only hold 5-6 rounds of ammunition while the semi-automatic handguns can hold nine or more rounds, and reloading is quicker, especially in a gunfight-

Would an Instructor be able to elaborate more on why on advantages revolvers have?


Answer: Correct that five or six shots in a revolver versus 10 to 16 in a semi-auto are a big difference. However, there are some advantages with a revolver depending on the specific shooter.

For instance, if a shooter has arthritis or has weaker hands, pulling back the slide on a semi-auto can be challenging. Semi-autos are also much more likely to malfunction, and shooters must practice and have the strength to clear the malfunctions.

Revolvers are a great option if they meet the needs of the specific shooter. Instructors should recommend going to the shooting range and renting both revolvers and semi-autos to determine the individual shooter's best fit.


How come some Instructors do not have lasers on their guns?


Answer: The thing about lasers on guns is that people become overly dependent on them. Lasers can be a great accessory that helps shooters shoot accurately; however, lasers are battery operated, meaning they can quickly fail.

The last thing someone wants is for the laser not to work when clearing a house in the middle of the night.

So, lasers are great, and go ahead and get one, but make sure one still practices using their iron sights.


Can the Apple OS be hacked on a smartphone?


Answer: About 1 in 36 mobile phones have high-risk apps that could lead to hacking. Apple devices are known for being some of the most secure products. Nevertheless, no iPhone is not hackproof. However, more hackers target Android devices.

The way most smartphones get hacked is when the user downloads a malicious application. So, even though the iPhone is not hackproof, it is more difficult to compromise than other smartphones.


Are the newer cell phones broadcasting the user's location even when turned off? Would an RFID wallet or case prevent that?


Answer: To be safe and make sure a user is not tracked by the cell phone, put it in a faraday bag. The other option is to leave the cell phone at home and not bring it.


How does someone protect themselves from Europe's pickpockets?


Answer: Pickpockets are a massive problem in a lot of the world, especially in Europe. Do not walk around with a wallet in front or back pocket as people usually do in the U.S.

Also, do not get one of those neck wallets that hang around the neck undershirt. Thieves can see the wallet string around the neck, and it is a dead giveaway where someone is hiding essential items.

Instead, consider getting an ankle wallet or something that hangs down inside the pants, such as the Shake Pocket Vault. Also, do not keep all of the proverbial eggs in one basket, meaning a tourist may have an ankle wallet with some cash and items and the rest of the cash in a wallet tucked inside the pants.


Entirely new to firearms but have been shooting with a friend. Not owner any guns yet. Continuous looking for a firearm at gun shops and shows. Bit, nervous about handling guns. What is the proper way to handle the gun, so it is safe?


Answer: Every store has different rules when looking at new guns, but no matter what, always remember the safety rules. Never point the gun at anyone and treat all guns as if they are loaded.

If a buyer wants to see what the trigger pull feels like, ask the employee if it is okay to do so after making sure the gun is not loaded, and obviously, point it in a safe direction to pull the trigger.

The safest direction is usually to keep the gun pointed at the floor while looking at it. Nevertheless, again, the buyer needs to ask the store employee the proper procedure for the store.

Source: Jason Hanson


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